When we share, we have more together

"Makani" means "My Place" in Arabic. Raised in a culture that values hosting and hospitality, we aim to bring that warm, welcoming spirit to our community.

We envision a world where we come together to open our homes to one another and immerse ourselves in the destination we are in.

At Makani, we understand that this can only be created through a trusted community of people who share the same values.

We have meticulously crafted an exclusive space where safety and trust take precedence to ensure our community travels with confidence.

Together, we are creating a world where accommodation is shared in a way that makes our planet feel smaller, friendlier, and more connected.

Our Story

Our Pillars:


Our homes are our havens. We will treat your home the way you want it to be treated and better than our own.


We believe in the power of generosity and personal touches to make our member stays special.


Above all, we collectively empower each other to travel, make memories, all through the power of community.

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Muslim travel home swap muslim airbnb halal home exchange halal travel muslim travel community

Member home near New York, USA